Friday, February 19, 2016

Superbowl of Caring

Ok, as I write this, this is already done for 2016..
But the whole point of this blog is to help answer questions. And I am sure new parents to scouting will wonder, what is Superbowl of Caring?
I learned about this 2 weeks before it happened. I was at round table, my very 1st meeting there, and they asked all the packs to pick their location. When they said the words Superbowl of Caring, I immediately thought of those brown paper bags at the grocery store. You know the ones... you buy it and they donated the bag you chose to a food bank. And if you thought that was it, you would be correct. But in scouts, we ask for donations instead of buying.

So, these flyers will be given to your scout at a pack/den meeting. They will also give you a map or certain streets that your scout needs to hang those flyers. Then on the Saturday before the Superbowl of caring,  your scout has to go out and hang them. We had about 100 flyers each kid and took us about an hour to hang them.

Then on the next saturday, you drive down those same streets and pick up whatever bags of food are left by the door.

Now we only had 3 houses leave something out of 100 houses.. but it seemed like most of our kids had that problem. 
Afterward, we went to our meeting place, where the boys had to help sort it. Then we packed up the truck and someone drove it to the Houston Food Bank. This is where they weigh it and your pack has to turn in the info to your council.

Afterwards, I spoke to other packs and they went door to door knocking, asking for donations. My husband had suggested it but our leader said maybe next year. 
Oh and if you want your son to get a badge for this, the Wednesday after the superbowl of caring,  your scout needs to go help till 9pm at the Houston Food bank. We skipped this part since my son is only 7 and that would really screw up his sleep schedule for school the next day.
So good luck everyone! And have fun with it!

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