Monday, March 13, 2017

Wolf Requirements- Call of the Wild

Call of the Wild Requirements and how to do them

This was done before the Modifications were done to the handbooks in 2017. 
So, if you scroll down to the end of this, I will list what you can do instead.

Requirement 1- Attend a campout
We did this right before we went on our Fall campout. It's basically a check list of what you need to bring. Easy! You can also do this for a family campout or a day long activity with your den.

Requirement 2- Overhand Knot and Square Knot
We did this at camp between fishing and hiking. I bought black and orange para-cord string. It was easier to use 2 different colors, like in the book. I would suggest burning the ends to keep from coming apart. You can actually teach this anywhere but we had time at the campout.

Requirement 3- While on an outing, identify 4 different types of animals. Explain how you identified them.
We did this at camp also. We had like a 3 mile hike with our pack and my son was running around looking at the animals. We also had the boys picking up trash during this hike, which helps with service hours and Leave No Trace Behind.
You can also do this at a nature trail or any kind of hike.
Another leader told me what they did and I want to try this!
They took an old white sheet, put it down far away from the camping area right at dawn, set fruit and veggies in the middle of the opened sheet and waited till the next morning. The next morning there were all kinds of tracks from animals. The kids got to see it and were excited about it. Then when the leader brought it home, they washed it and are going to use it for the next camp out.

Requirement 4- Make a list of possible weather changes that might happen on your campout. How will you prepare?
Easy. They have it in the book to write answers. Sit down with your child and talk about what kind of weather you might expect. Cold-need jacket. Hot- t-shirts and water. Rain- umbrella or poncho.

Requirement 5- Show or demonstrate what to do:
Stranger approaches you or family, natural disaster, and keep from spreading germs.
The NO, GO, Yell, TELL
Natural Disasters in your area
how to wash your hands
Did all this before camp and again at camp just to make sure he got it.

Requirement 6- Prepare a song or skit and perform at campfire
My boys tripped me out. Ok, they did both a skit and a song. Skit they did all on their own, acting like they were catching a Pokemon. We actually had an older scout help us. The song we got from the internet. I believe it was " Mom, wash my underwear!" and everyone laughed. 
PS- Very surprised that my shy little man had a blast with these and was just having fun. They even did other skits with the bears about knife safety. And our Webelos were making up skits for like an hour! My wolves decided 2 weeks before camp what they wanted to do and we practiced at each den meeting til camp.

Requirement 7A-Recite the Outdoor Code 
My son and I did this during summer. Then I did it again with my wolf den at camp. It is located on the very last page in their wolf handbook.

Requirement 7B- Recite Leave No Trace Behind. Talk about how that supports the Outdoor Code
Leave no Trace behind is also on the last page in handbook.
Once again, we did this during summer and at camp with my wolves

Requirement 7C- AFTER campout, list the ways you were careful with fire
We had a slight problem with out Webelos wanting to always fan the fires and trying to get it to go huge. The other "little" kids found this fascinating and wanted to do this also. Parents were in chairs around the camp fire talking and not telling the kids to stop. So it became a safety issue. Just because this is a campout, does not mean that others will babysit your children the whole time. If you see them doing something wrong, please stop them. As den leaders, we can only talk to your children and tell them to stop. We will also explain why they have to stop. That doesn't always work. So parents, that's when YOU need to step in. We even had one guy, go and put the magic fire into the fire where the kids were going to do smores. A parent! Then he sat down as we waited for that fire to die down so we could get a clean fire where the kids could roast over. He laughed about it. We were livid. Parents, we have a plan and schedule. Please ask before doing something like that.

Now your Wolf has completed his Call of the Wild requirements!
I knew I would get my wolves done at camp, so I had out Pack Leader buy the beltloops so that I can present it by the campfire. My wolves loved it and the other kids thought it was cool. I mean, come on, how often in cubscouts will we be able to do that?

Modifications 2017 from BSA
Wolf Required Adventures
 Call of the Wild
Complete requirements 1–4 down below plus at least one other. 

Requirement 1.
 Attend one of the following
 A. A pack or family campout
B. An outdoor activity with your den or pack
C. Day camp
D. Resident camp

2. With your family or den, make a list of possible weather changes that could happen during your outing according to the time of year you are outside. Tell how you will be prepared for each one.
(This is the same as Requirement 4 in the book or above)

 3. Do the following:
 A. Recite the Outdoor Code with your leader.
 B. Recite the Leave No Trace Principles for Kids with your leader.
Talk about how these principles support the Outdoor Code.
C. After your outdoor activity or campout, list the ways you demonstrated being careful with fire or other dangers.
( This is the same as requirement 7 from the handbook)

4. Show or demonstrate what to do:
 A. In case of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood.
B. To keep from spreading your germs.
( Same as Requirement 5 from handbook)

Now choose one of the following:

 5. Show how to tie an overhand knot and a square knot.

6. While on a den or family outing, identify four different types of animals you see or explain evidence of their presence. Tell how you identified them.
Hope this helps!

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