Saturday, October 10, 2015

How do you make your scout memorable for next year sales?

Reminders of Popcorn Delivery
Ok, so I want people who bought popcorn from my son to remember him for next year.
How do you make 1 scout memorable from millions?
That was a hard question for me to figure out. But I figured that the more they saw him, the better luck he would have.
So I made these little reminders. I made them on my phone and sent them into walmart online to be printed. I had to change the size from 4 x 6 to a more square print but I'm ok with that.
So I cut these up and used a hole puncher in the corner, put twine through it and tied a knot.
Now I'm sure you are wondering what to do with this... here it is:
The picture actually says:
Reminder: Popcorn will be delivered the week of Nov 22nd. Thank you!
And I will start passing them out on October 22nd. I had quite a few people worried that they were being scammed. So I wanted to basically put their minds at ease, letting them know that the popcorn WILL be delivered. Also, I thought it would be a nice, personal touch to let people know we appreciate them.
Do you have to do it? NO! Actually, I don't know one person who has done it.
Is the extra money spent on this worth it? Not a clue!
How many did I make? 16 prints, that cost about $6. So that makes 96 door hangers.
Did I need so many? No but LJ already has 90 customers in the neighborhood.
Will my son be hanging them? No, I will be doing it while he is at school. It's 90 different houses. That would take him forever.
Will they be thrown in the trash afterwards? Probably.
Do people actually care? I don't know. But I do know that my son brought tears to one customer. In a good way...(proud Mama right here!)
Now when it comes time to deliver the product, I will make sure my son writes a personal message to the customers. It might only be one note that its that's a lot of personal notes to write and I don't think I can make him sit and actually do that many.
So here is to hoping that this will bring smiles on to our customers faces.

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