Monday, September 28, 2015

Cub Scout Camping! What do you need?

Camping Anyone?
Well, we LOVE camping with our pack. We go twice a year.
Other packs I have talked to sometimes go every 3 months. Or Dens go camping by themselves.
Our pack selects the campsite and pays for it. The pack that goes every 3 months has the parents pay. So ask your pack how they do it

You provide basically everything else!
First, you will get some medical forms that you need to fill out. I was told, make multiple copies. This way you don't have to fill out the same form EVERYTIME you go camping.
Next, you need to be up to date on your tetanus shot. Not just your son or siblings. Adults too! So, that is one thing my hubby and I still have to do. My husband just started a new job, so at the moment we are still filling out insurance paperwork. That means, we get to get the shot at cost, which is $63.99 a pop. Walgreen's does it or check your local clinics.
Next, get all your supplies. This means tents, cooking stuff, clothes, ect.
So, I'll tell you what we bought. When we signed up, someone told us that if need be, we can borrow a tent. Ok, no problem, we have a tent. But for those of you that don't, ask around in the pack to see if anyone has extra.
Next, we thought we can cook on the campfire. But, our pack also brings a flat top grill and we all share it. We have to provide, as a den, breakfast and lunch for Saturday. The pack does dinner. But Sunday's breakfast the scouts will all participate to make breakfast for everyone. So you and your den provide a couple of meals and snacks and the pack provides 2. ( Now remember, this may just be my pack. Ask questions before you sign your son up to a pack. You may not like somethings about one pack but you may like other things about another. To transfer packs costs money so do your research and meet your leaders before signing up. There are packs everywhere and each one has their own set of rules and activities. That's one of the reasons I write this stuff.)
Also, you need his uniform ( our pack doesn't do the uniform , just the pack shirt), a tent, I have a blow up mattress for my hubby and I.If you want sleeping bags for adults, Academy has them for $10 each.  My son wanted a batman sleeping bag ( $19.99 at Toys R US), so that's what he has. I also bought him a new backpack in orange ( Go Tiger Cubs!) from a discount store for $10. I bought a 3 pack of LED flashlights for $5.99 at Burlington Coat Factory.  (One is orange for my son!) I also bought him a cub scout safety whistle. That thing is loud and costs at the Scout store $4.99. Even though we are going with him, I still feel better that he has one. I already have 3 thermos cups for my son's school that we are taking with. But I am also bringing a case of water and snacks.

Note- All of our camping sites that we have been to has electricity somewhere. Also they have bathrooms and showers within walking distance.  
You know how they say a scout is always prepared? Yeah, so will this Mama! Toilet Paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap to wash with, you name it, I will have it. Always better to be safe. I really would hate to run out of toilet paper! Oh, and dishes with silverware. I'm bringing my Tupperware Microwave plates. They are plastic and will hold up well. Usually our pack has paper plates that we just throw away.
Mosquito repellent,   sun screen, rain wear ( buying some cheap ponchos), hats, and extra clothes in case you need them. Actually, here is the paper we got for the camping stuff we will need.

I also bought those glow necklaces and some glow games that the kids can play with at night. Bring cards, the scouts love them.
Soccer ball, football, something the kids can do to be entertained.  These kids are young and camping can get boring quickly with them.
Oh, and fishing gear. Bring extra if you have it because there will be kids that didn't bring poles or bait. And a hammock bc the kids like to lay on it. 

And just to let you know, the Cub Scouts have lots of opportunities to camp at one of the Council locations. We just signed up to do one for new scouts. There will be BB guns, Archery, Crafts, Fishing, and many other things to do. This costs us $24 a person ( adults have to pay too!) and it seems like a lot of fun. But sleeping bags will be a must for each of us and a tent. So there are many opportunities that come up for camping. Don't feel bad if you can't afford or go on the one with your pack. 

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