Fun with Son 2015
at Bavoy Scout Ranch
There are many activities and opportunities with your scout. I subscribed to my council's Facebook page and they post all kinds of things. Activities, camp outs, ideas, you name it and it is there.
One such thing was the Fun with Son Camp, which was one day of activity, followed by a camp fire and some boy scouts doing skits and cheers, then sleep in your tent. Next day we had some things too but check out was at 9am. For $24 a person, you get a lot of stuff.
So, for us, we stayed Saturday to Sunday. Check in was 12-2pm. We got there around 1:30 pm. When you get there, they have packets that include a colored wristband ( ours was green because we were team hulk!), your scout's badge, a activity schedule, a map and some other stuff. We went to our campsite right away and set up our massive 8 person tent. I would suggest a smaller tent, it took forever to put up and to take down. Most people had a 2-3 person tent which I was envious of.
So then after putting our tent up, we hiked to our 1st activity scheduled, which was BB guns. Parents get to lay down with their child on a map and help them pump and shoot a BB gun. We could also do the "wrist rockets" which were sling shots but my son didn't want to.
Next activity was leather works and catapults. The kids received a leather bracelet, which they got to "stamp" designs and letters into it by hammering certain metal stamps into the leather. My son chose to put a tiger head with the words BEWARE. Then he went to make a catapult out of a spoon, rubber bands, and Popsicle sticks. Note: all the activities really required a parents help for the tigers.
After that, we went to make rockets out of paper and tape. They used a pipe to get the right size so that it could blast off. My husband enjoyed this the best because they worked as a team at 1st. Then he had the bright idea to design his own and talked smack about how he was going to beat my son's rocket. Other parents laughed at him smack talking to a 6 year old, whose rocket was built by my husband also. They had a blast trying to see who could go farther and highest! My husband now wants to do this activity at my son's birthday party.
So now we came to the part that my son loved, which was to make his own hero costume. He made a cape, a mask and a shield. He actually lost his shield while making his cape, so Mommy had to jump in and make another for him. But while I was working on another Captain America shield, he was helping the person running that area by picking up markers and paper off the ground.
And last activity before dinner was archery. I'll be honest, my son needed help on that too. He couldn't pull back the string and aim. The 1st three arrows landed in different parts of the grass, then the 4th, with my husbands help, had a bulls-eye. So now my husband is into that too...LOL
During all these activities, there is a tent that has goldfish snacks, cold caprisons, and bottled water that we could go to at anytime to re hydrate.
Ok, after those activities, we headed back to the tent for an hour, where the kids who were complaining for the last hour about how much they walked, miraculously had a burst of energy. They climbed stuff, played with other scouts, ran around, played with these flyer things that the ranch gave every boy...while we parents sat on the ground or chair and just watched, exhausted.
We let him play for a while but my husband went to Walmart to pick up worms so that we could fish. So as soon as he came back, we drove down to the catch and release lake. It was really nice. My son caught 3 little perch and released them. We fished while noticing other dens were there with lots of their kids, playing games or doing stuff as a den.
We had our other member from our little den there too but really didn't interact much. I won't lie, some people it requires me to search my brain for something to say. It then makes me uncomfortable and feel kind of forced, so I would rather do the small talk for 10 min and just walk away. Nothing to do with the person in general. I didn't know him so well, so it was just forced. Matter of fact, I tried to call his wife to ask if she wanted me to take pics of her son and hubby but I had NO reception ( warning to Sprint Users). And thought it might be a little weird to take pictures of them without getting her permission, so I didn't.
Dinner was set as a cafeteria thing. You wait in line, get your food, sit at a table and eat. My son hated the whole dinner so he ate a fresh apple. He didn't even like the cake. I thought it was ok but I was starving. We had chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, gravy and cake.

After dinner, we went back to the tent to chill for a little while before heading over to the camp fire area. It was fun. We had 4 boy scouts there doing cheers and skits. I felt like I was back in a high school pep rally. My son had a blast! Even the cheers were the same that our cheerleaders did..LOL Towards the end, the kids received a glow necklace, which everyone loved. Then we went to the tent and stared at the stars fro about an hour. Most of our little campsite went to sleep but other sites were playing and laughing, playing music, and just having fun. But my little family took the cover off the tent and just looked at the different stars. Do you know, you can see a lot of satellites? I remember when I was a kid, you never saw them. But we picked out so many, it actually made me kind of sad. Won't give up my DirecTV though...LOL. But that's how we fell asleep, mu husband, my son and I looking at the stars on a beautiful clear night.
The next morning, my husband and I woke around 5:30 am. He was freezing! I was actually warm in my little sleeping bag. So he went to the car with the heater, then I really wanted a coffee and he drove 22 miles to get me a Starbucks coffee. True Love! Especially since he didn't tell me how far he was going to drive to get it. In that time, I woke my son, ate breakfast around 6:50am and just walked around afterward waiting for daddy. When Daddy arrived, we went to the little store they had, bought some really great root beer, my son got a hiking stick and some decorations for it and arrowheads. Went back to camp, where everyone already packed up and started our own packing. Check out was at 9am and they had some flag ceremony at 9:30. We didn't wait around but after checkout, we left.
Here is the badge and the certificate that my son received. If you notice, super heroes signed it, which to my son, it is SO AWESOME!. His words,,LOL
So yes, this camp was well worth it! He also has a shirt that says Fun With Son on it.